AIESM, Associazione Internazionale Eventi di Scultura Monumentale,
promuove la scultura e gli scultori a livello mondiale. |
La sperimentazione di unire linguaggi artistici diversi crea un dizionario nuovo per l'espressivitā. In tale prospettiva questa pagina č dedicata alle opportunitā delle modalitā artistiche varie. |
Deadline: 15th september 2015
The WYNG Masters Award is a non-profit photography award aiming to nurture the growth of photography as an art form in Hong Kong, as well as stimulate dialogue and foster community awareness on socially relevant issues of critical importance to Hong Kong.
Each year, a focused theme is chosen for the award. In the Award’s inaugural 2012/13 cycle, the theme was POVERTY, followed by AIR then WASTE, and the theme for the 2015/16 cycle isIDENTITY.
The WYNG Masters Award grants the recipient of the award a cash prize of HK$250,000. The recipient is chosen by an international panel of judges. Each of the six additional finalists will receive HK$15,000 cash. The winner will be announced at the exhibition of finalists’ works in April 2016.
Further information on: http://www.wyngmastersaward.hk/index.php/en/master-home-en
Deadline: 15 June 2015 PRIZES Ten finalists will be exhibited at CHARLIE SMITH LONDON One winner will receive: £2,000 cash prize Profile in State Magazine (circulation 48,500) Profile on Artlyst (100,000 hits per month) BASIC REQUIREMENTS £10 + £2 VAT processing fee Completed application form 5 jpegs at no more than 500kb each or 5 video links Short artist’s statement Artist’s CV / biography All works presented must be for sale The application deadline is midnight 15 June 2015 Frther information at: http://charliesmithlondon.com/anthology-2015-sign-up/
Deadline: May 18, 2015
Schack Art Center is seeking artwork for the exhibit: Art of the Garden, June 18 - August 1, 2015. This "garden art" themed exhibit is one of our perennial favorites. All mediums are welcome. Artwork must be created for the garden out-of-doors, such as stone, metal, concrete sculptures, benches, arbors, etc., or to bring the garden into the home, with paintings, photographs, sculptures, etc. There are no size restrictions, and installations will be decided by jury selection.
Artwork must be for sale, with the gallery receiving a 40% commission. Artists may submit up to twelve relevant images by deadline: May 18. Digital images are to be in a jpg format (file size less than 1.0 MB, sized to 4" x 5" - 300dpi, and pc compatible). Images need to include: your name, email address, phone number, media, dimensions, and retail price.
Email images and questions to Carie Collver at ccollver@schack.org Or mail a CD (non-returnable), ATTN: Art of the Garden, 2921 Hoyt Ave., Everett WA 98201.
Recupero visivo di scorci degradati di San Pancrazio Salentino - Italia
Scadenza: 30 aprile 2015
Il comune di San Pancrazio Salentino, con la regia del vice sindaco, prof. Cosimo Muscogiuri, promuove il recupero visivo di alcuni scorci degradati del tessuto urbano storico del comune, attraverso un concorso di idee. L’intenzione è quella di dare spazio a creativi, studenti, designer, architetti, artisti, grafici, ecc., organizzati in gruppi informali, che attraverso delle buone pratiche possano progettare e poi realizzare delle opere di Street Art, scultura, installazioni, ecc…
Maggiori informazioni su: http://sanpancraziosalentino.gov.it/documenti/allegati/18-bando.pdf
Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale - ITALY
Deadline: 15th March 2015
Bjcem and the City of Milan announce the launch of Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale, an international multidisciplinary event, taking place in Milan, Italy, at Fabbrica del Vapore, 4 Procaccini Street, from October 22nd to October 25th 2015, bringing together more than 300 artists. Started in 1985, the Biennial takes place every two years in a different city in the Mediterranean area focusing on young artists and creators. Bjcem is an international network with more than 70 members and partners from Europe, Middle East and Africa, which, thanks to their support, make the event possible ensuring the participation of artists from the territories they represent. The call is open to visual artists, filmmakers, writers, performers, musicians, designers stylists, chefs under the age of 35 (born by December 31st 1980) coming from one of the country listed at the end of the present call.
Further information at: http://www.bjcem.org/call-for-participation-mediterranea-xvii/
Deadline: 19th April 2015
Gdańsk Community Foundation would like to invite professional sculptors, architectures and students to participate in the next edition of the spatial form inspired by the idea of freedom. The best projects will be erected in the urban space of Gdańsk, and winners will receive money prizes.
1. All realised durable spatial forms and nondurable installations will take part in internet-based public contest.
2. The author of the most popular durable spatial form or nondurable installation, shall receive the Audience Award, this is brut 2000 PLN.
Further information on: http://www.crossroadsoffreedom.eu/index.php?jezyk=en