AIESM, International Association for Monumental Sculpture Events,
promotes the sculpture and the sculptors at international level. |
In the epoch of the Global Village the trend to cross the borders reflects also in the Art.
The experiment of the union of different artistic languages creates a new dictionary to the expressiveness. Consequently of that, this page is for opportunities of the various artistic modalities. |
INTERVISIONES es una agrupación de escultores sin fines de lucro que organiza el 1er Encuentro de Escultores in situ en el Parque Quebrada Verde de Valparaíso. Del 30 de octubre al 9 de noviembre. Con la participación de 20 escultores consagrados y emergentes, que donarán generosamente sus obras al lugar y que mostrarán a la comunidad el proceso de creación de una obra monumental in situ utilizando los materiales que existen en el parque.
Màs informaciones https://www.facebook.com/encuentroescultores
Residency for writers and visual artists - USA
The Millay Colony for the Arts offers one-month residencies to visual artists, composers and writers between the months of April and November. Residents artists get private rooms, studios and all meals during their stay at our pastoral campus.
The Millay Colony is in Austerlitz, New York—approximately 2 1/2 hours north of New York City and 2 1/2 hours west of Boston, Massachusetts.
For further information on how to apply visit: https://millaycolony.submittable.com/submit
Verbier 3-D Foundation Artist Residency
Residency: 24 May – 5 July 2014 Exhibition: 5 July 2014 – 5 July 2016
“In the current global political-economic and ecological crisis, old hierarchies and certainties are crumbling and new realities are emerging at a rate and a profundity that we are yet to fully comprehend. New hybrid and strangely familiar aesthetic forms and strategies are emerging that are attempting to navigate the mutations of worlds and life forms. Sculpture, new media, performance and other art forms no longer conform to hierarchical and outmoded structures of feeling and affect from the machine age.
This residency invites contemporary forms of creation – in an age of information and networks – that engage with cultural, aesthetic and ecological ‘mutations’ within the context of a mountain landscape that is itself in constant evolution.”
Paul Goodwin, Curator 3-D
Contact: info@3-dfoundation.com
Happy Art History Prize International Semiannual Call for Artists
Deadline: 27th May 2014
3 prizes $ 5,000 each, 20 runners ups image inclusion and contact info on Prizes Page.
Artists from anywhere in the World working in Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Installation,Illustration, Video, Sound, Photography, Mixed Media, Computer Art, Printmaking, Performance-Conceptual, Animation, Fashion, New/Experimental media, Book Making can apply. Students can apply. Starting Artists, Mid Career and Veterans can apply. All Styles and media are Welcome. Early Submissions are Encouraged.
Further information on: http://galleryfor.me/home
Deadline: April 1, 2014
The Franklin Furnace Fund 2014-2015, supported by Jerome Foundation, the Lambent Foundation, The SHS Foundation, and the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. The Franklin Furnace Fund awards grants annually to emerging artists to enable them to produce major performance art works in New York. Grants range between $2,000 and $10,000 based on the peer review panel allocation of funding received by Franklin Furnace. Franklin Furnace has no curator; each year a new panel of artists reviews all proposals. Artists from all areas of the world are encouraged to apply; however, artists selected by the panel are expected to present their work in New York. Full-time students are ineligible.
Find the guidelines at: http://franklinfurnace.org/artists/franklin_furnace_fund/docs/ff_guidelines_14_15.pdf
Concorso di Arte Contemporanea - Italia
Scadenza 15 marzo 2014
SATURA art gallery - centro per la promozione e la divulgazione delle arti, con sede in Genova, indice il 1° Concorso Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea SATURA International Contest. Il concorso è rivolto ad artisti di tutte le nazionalità nelle discipline di: pittura e fotografia. Ciascun artista può partecipare con una sola opera, in piena libertà stilistica e tecnica (tempera, olio, inchiostro, acrilico, vinile, acquerello, grafite, collage, fotografia, ecc.) e su qualsiasi supporto (tela, carta, legno, ferro, plastica, ecc.). Le dimensioni sono libere purché dentro le misure massime di cm. 100x100. Il tema è libero.
Maggiori informazioni su: www.satura.it